The Pink Stuff: This versatile cleaning paste gained popularity for its ability to remove tough stains, grime, and marks from various surfaces.
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Bar Keepers Friend: A powdered cleaner often used for tackling stubborn stains, rust, and hard water buildup.
Magic Eraser: A melamine foam cleaning sponge known for its ability to remove scuffs, marks, and stains from walls, floors, and other surfaces.
Grove Collaborative Cleaning Concentrates: Eco-friendly cleaning concentrates that can be mixed with water to create effective cleaning solutions.
Bissell CrossWave Cordless Max: A multi-surface cleaner that vacuums and washes floors simultaneously, gaining popularity for its efficiency.
E-cloth: Microfiber cleaning cloths that can effectively clean surfaces with just water, reducing the need for chemical cleaners.
Folex Instant Carpet Spot Remover: A carpet stain remover that gained attention for its ability to quickly remove various types of stains.
Steam Mops: Various brands of steam mops gained popularity for their ability to clean and sanitize floors using steam power.
Dyson Cordless Vacuums: These high-performance cordless vacuums were often praised for their convenience and effectiveness.
Method All-Purpose Cleaner: An eco-friendly all-purpose cleaner with stylish packaging and various pleasant scents.
O-Cedar EasyWring Spin Mop: A mop and bucket set that allows you to wring out the mop head with minimal effort, making the cleaning process easier.
Zoflora: A concentrated disinfectant that comes in various scents, often used for cleaning and adding a pleasant fragrance to spaces.